Yes, you can buy a house with Bitcoin.

He specializes in acquiring Turkish citizenship by investment method. We have enabled many foreign buyers who apply for Turkish citizenship through crypto payment method to obtain Turkish passports.

Yes. Before making a Bitcoin transfer, the transfer is made for the “Real Estate Purchase Agreement with Bitcoin” presented to you. It carries out all transactions in a transparent manner by providing feedback at every step.

Yes. With BTC, it is possible to buy all types of real estate such as residences, commercial properties and land.

You don’t have to pay extra taxes in the process of buying real estate with BTC. BTC is preferred for international money transfer as it is a secure payment method.

The daily cryptocurrency conversion limit is set at $1,000,000. Depending on the sale price of the property you purchased, the process may vary between 1-7 working days.

After you transfer your crypto money to our crypto account, we make a video call where we share our computer screen with you. Thus, the exchange rates of the digital market are shared with you, allowing you to choose the exchange rate. The rates are as in the market price.

Yes, it is possible to pay all costs of the sale with BTC.

You can buy real estate with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cast, Bitcoin Gold, Ripple, Litecoin, Tether, Stellar and Ethereum. All convertible cryptocurrencies are accepted on international platforms.

No. We offer this option only to people who want to buy real estate with cryptocurrencies. We do not serve as a crypto exchange office.



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